1、 母亲的重要性
2、 母亲对孩子的影响
3、 孩子们通过母亲身上的表现要与要具备的品质
【范文】 Children Are What the Mothers Are
Some people say“Children are what the mothers are.”Literally it means the mothers have great influence on their children. Actually,here the mothers refer to not only mothers and fathers,but all the people surrounding us. who play very important roles in the education of the kids.
According to some researches,daily life affects kids enormously .Parents are the best teachers of their children. whose daily behaviors and mind have a great effect on their kids. So it is unsurprising that children often reflect their parents like a mirror,and sometimes people Can even tell who their parents are without knowing them before. It is true of teachers,friends,and people the kids contact in daily life.
So it is important for parents to make sure that people around the kids are the ones of good qualities,such as honesty,responsibility,patience and outstanding abilities.
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